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Latest Past Events

Chef Rory’s Culinary Event

Prime Carolina Coast

Events held at 1pm and 6pm. Mocktails and appetizers before a great meal. Note: Both events are currently full. Get on our standby list by calling: (843) 279-5617.

The Nutcracker

Theater of the Republic 331 N Main St, Conway

Join Prime to experience the holiday classic, The Nutcracker, at the Theater of the Republic, located in Conway. Cost is $40 and you can reserve your spot by calling (843) 279-5617. This is the perfect chance to mix and mingle with Prime Carolina Coast staff and residents, get to know us, and enjoy a wonderful […]

CCU Concert Events

CCU Campus - Meet at Prime

Join the Prime crew at a number of November events at Carolina Coastal University, just a short drive from our campus in Conway. We will provide free transportation to the events; please register in advance by calling (843) 279-5617. Wednesday, November 6: Fall Percussion Ensemble 7:30pm, $12 Thursday, November 14: Chamber Chants Strings & Things […]

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